When Dabaang was first released, many critics at first glance dismissed it as a routine cop story. But what stuck , and what many did not see coming, was Salman’s attitude-laced performance. This was no holier than thou cop. If anything he was whimsical, event amoral at times. But one thing that he was: realistic. This is where Pavan can be deemed the right fit. Pawan seems to shine best with everyday humor. It is realistic and identifiable. He might not have the toned, muscle-rippling bravado that Salman possesses, but he more than makes it up with his comic timing. If the dialogues have the edge in them, Pawan has enough timing in him to make them explode on the screen. This is why Gabbar Singh is such a key movie for the power star. His fans will surely like to see the attitude and swagger back in their favourite star. Here is hoping that Pawan will not disappoint them this time
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