Mega Brother Nagababu and the Chiru fans has organized a pressmeet at Geetha Arts Production Office in Hyderabad on July 1st, Friday and thanked Mega star Chiru for his nod on completing his 150th film on the request of Big B Amitabh Bachchan during the premiere show of Bbuddah. Nagendrababu, Chinnikrishna, Swamy Naidu, Ramu Yadav and Katama Shetty Nagendra etc., all attended the press meet.
Speaking in the press meet, Nagendrababu said, “Annayya Chiru’s statement on quitting films has shocked the entire fans in the world, me and Ram Charan. We were confident that he would complete 150th film and so, Ram Charan announced that he will produce his dad’s 150th film. Fans have assembled in front of house after the statement but I convinced them saying that I would speak to Annayya. When I questioned him on this my brother said that it would be difficult to handle both films and politics at atime. However, he has accepted 150th film on BigB’s request and I thank Annayya on behalf of all the fans.”
Others who attended the press meet conveyed their happiness on Chiranjeevi accepting the 150th film.
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